The value of Wonder of Science
Wonder of Science supports implementation of the Australian Curriculum for students in years 4 to 9, with schools typically engaging for one term each year. The Wonder of Science approach is based on research into the factors influencing student engagement and choice in STEM:
“Student-related factors focus around ‘Identity’ with students needing to build a perception of themselves as competent STEM practitioners (Archer et al., 2007; Tytler et al., 2008). Intricately linked to this notion of identity are factors around student achievement (Goodrum et al., 2001; Hattie, 2003; McPhan, 2008), attitudes and motivation (Lindal 2003; Lyons, 2006), and interest (Panizzon & Levins, 1997)”
Wonder of Science inspires students to engage in rigorous, real-world STEM learning and to aspire for excellence in STEM. It encourages students to consider the exciting and diverse career pathways possible through STEM.
The Wonder of Science approach develops deep understanding of STEM concepts in students; promotes problem-solving skills, including critical, creative, collaborative and ethical thinking; develops the student capabilities required to achieve and succeed in a rapidly advancing and changing world; supports teacher capability for quality STEM teaching and learning. As an example of the effectiveness of Wonder of Science, Mr. James Forrest, Principal of Kimberley Park State School discusses the value and impact that Wonder of Science has brought to his school in the video above.
The power of Wonder of Science
Mossman State School Year 4 Students with teachers and Acting Queensland Chief Scientist at State Conference 2022.
"The Wonder of Science program gave an equitable opportunity to all students in Year Four who would not otherwise aspire to the excellence that WoS and their ambassadors model. By Staff leading and Students taking part in the Challenge Task, it further ignited undiscovered passions for Scientific Inquiry, planting seeds of realistic and achievable personal goals for each diverse learner. This also increased motivations and fuelled immediate and future ambitions. By collaborating with WoS, we are proudly meeting the Education Queensland strategies for Equity and Excellence, along with fostering courage, connectivity, and creativity. "
- Sue Marsden, Year Four Teacher, and David Dobbin, PPLC Project STEAM Coordinator, Mossman State School, Wonder of Science 2022 Annual Report
Wonder of Science strongly aligns to the focuses of the Queensland Department of Education’s Equity and
Excellence Education Strategy.
Educational achievement
Wonder of Science drives student educational achievement by providing evidence-based teaching and learning to schools.
Wonder of Science Challenge Tasks may be used as summative assessment as it fosters cross-disciplinary knowledge, skills and practices. Students across a year level work toward a common goal (the Challenge Task) but are empowered to develop ownership and autonomy in how they approach the task. This results in increased interest, enjoyment and engagement, and desire to succeed.
We provide clear expectations (conference guidelines and criteria sheets) and examples (videos of former conference presentations and YSA presentations of effective presentation skills) for students attending Regional and State Conferences.
Young Science Ambassadors from a diverse range of STEM fields, cultural backgrounds and schooling pathways also aid in supporting students and creating positive learning outcomes that are further enhanced by having access to mentors
Wonder of Science inspires students to strive for educational achievement in STEM subjects and increases interest in studying STEM subjects in year 11 and 12. ~70 of students who have participated in a WoS student showcase conference (which is ~18% of total students involvement each year) indicate they “have a greater interest in studying STEM-related subjects in years 11 & 12”.
Wellbeing and engagement
Wonder of Science supports teachers and students through engagement with STEM teaching and learning to establish a strong foundation for learning outcomes.
The program provides Professional Development and ongoing support to teachers.
By providing the program free of charge in many rural and regional regions, the program also explicitly supports the wellbeing of the teaching staff at these schools by providing a full suite of resources as well as ongoing support throughout the term, enabling teachers to participate in the program with minimal additional work.
Wonder of Science support for teachers is particularly beneficial for beginning and early career teachers who are often located in these rural and regional areas.
Wonder of Science works with teachers to adapt our flexible program to suit the specific needs of their students and teachers. This may include co-developing units to meet a school’s context-specific needs, assisting teachers with updating assessment criteria, supporting schools to develop their own Challenge Task question or adapting our resources to work with neurodiverse units.
The hands-on inquiry model creates a positive and affirmative learning environment for students to undertake their STEM learning and which encourages active participation.
Students learn confidence and resilience by developing a response to a Challenge Task inquiry question and presenting the results both in class and at a Regional Conference.
Students specifically build resilience through the nature of the inquiry approach, the degree of openness with which the Challenge Task allows, and learning to accept, and learn from, unexpected or perceived negative results.
Students learn to work collaboratively in teams to conduct their investigation and present results at Regional and State Conference.
Culture and inclusion
Wonder of Science is fostering a STEM culture and seeks to embrace diversity by creating a welcoming, inclusive, and accessible STEM educational environment.
In 2023, 80% of schools participating in Wonder of Science were in regional and rural communities, and 61% of schools were below the average socio-educational advantage (ICSEA) ranking.
Wonder of Science further aims to increase equity and excellence by supporting schools with high Indigenous populations. As reported in 2021, over 90% of year five students at a regional school with a high Indigenous population indicated that they were “more interested in Science this year compared to last year” and that “classes with Wonder of Science had improved their understanding of science”.
To further support diverse groups, Wonder of Science is also strongly supporting Women and Girls in STEM. In 2023, 77% of Young Science Ambassadors are female. In 2022, 69% of students who won at a Regional Conference were female and 71% of State Conference champions were female.
Wonder of Science is also beginning to work with neurodiverse teaching units, such as Mossman State School, to deliver the program. Wonder of Science strongly values student, teacher, parent/carer, community and stakeholder voices in developing and implementing our inclusive program.
Wonder of Science received the 2023 “Women in Technology (WiT) Raising the Regions” Award.